The SAKURA-V automated accounting system for grain and bread products is designed for comprehensive automation of the management processes of grain-receiving and grain-processing enterprises.

SAKURA-V combines the enterprise's technological document flow with the primary production-warehousing and quantitative-qualitative consideration of grain and bread products and provides automation of all the main activities of the enterprise for grain storage and processing.
Starting in 2019, the INNOVINNPROM specialists in cooperation with leading consultants of agricultural holdings updated the system to the requirements and standards of the Industry 4.0 concept. In the course of the update, SAKURA included the IIoT system (The Industrial Internet of Things) for asset management of SAKURA-APM enterprises. A significant part of the services is implemented on the basis of cloud solutions. At the same time, these solutions are multi-cloud, not tied to specific representatives of cloud services, implemented in the form of Kubernetes clusters (K8s), this applies to both databases and software. Such a solution ensures the independence of the customer from the providers of cloud solutions and their pricing policy.
SAKURA cloud cyber services monitor all physical processes at the holding's enterprise(s) and create their virtual copies, provide self-learning processes and self-adjustment of technological and production processes.
Currently, the system is the only hardware and software complex in Ukraine, which provides maximum opportunities for full automation of production, provides management of technological processes in real time, taking into account the invariance of the external and internal conditions of the enterprise.
The economic effect of implementing SAKURA at enterprises (holdings) varies between 15-18%.
Purpose of implementing the Sakura system
The main goal of implementing the system is to increase technological discipline, productivity of managerial work, profitability of the enterprise and other system-wide factors, which are achieved by the timeliness of decision-making with the possibility of obtaining operational and reliable information, which characterizes the state of each of the technological areas, as well as the enterprise as a whole.
The use of bar-coding and RFID-coding mechanisms allows you to control and manage the physical movement of grain and products through the territory of the enterprise. At all stages of control, the barcode is read from the document using a manual scanner, and the received data is automatically transferred to the program. The approach implemented in the system made it possible to eliminate duplication and increase the reliability of information, the reliability and accuracy of the movement of grain and products, and to reduce the number of errors and inaccuracies inherent in manual accounting.
Industry orientation
SAKURA-V was developed in accordance with the rules for conducting technological processes at elevators and mills and the requirements of the State Technical and Technical Standards for raw materials and finished products.
Individual approach
The composition and functionality of the system depend on the specific features of each specific enterprise. It is customized for specific users (Laboratorians of elevators, mills, heads of laboratories, technologists, heads of mills, etc.), providing access to the necessary information and modes of operation and control.
Credibility of information
Advanced Power Management (APM) systems form a single information space of the enterprise and provide the ability to work both in the local network and with remote access. Data entered at one of the stages of the technological process are used at all subsequent stages.
Modular structure
Allows you to build an information management system in stages with the constant increase of new workplaces and their functional capabilities.
SAKURA-V is a production information system, not an accounting program. It is built and functions in accordance with the rules of conducting technological processes at the enterprises of the industry and takes into account all the complexity of the technological document flow for processing, reprocessing and placement of grain, as well as ensures the receipt of the necessary production reports.
Ensures the creation of a unified information space of the enterprise, which covers almost all technological processes.
The main functions of the SAKURA-V system
- Obtaining reliable information about the operation of the enterprise in "real time" mode;
- Formation and control of reasonable plans based on data analysis of available resources;
- Operational control and management of material resources;
- Exclusion of cases of loss and possibilities of theft, fraud during processing and release of products;
- Analysis of the results of the enterprise's work and the formation of the optimal organization of work and production processes;
- Increasing labor productivity due to redistribution of functions, rights and responsibilities of working personnel and administration.
Advantages of implementing the SAKURA-V system
- Full compliance with the rules of conducting technological processes and DSTU;
- Adaptability to the legislation of Ukraine;
- Accounting for specific features of enterprises in the industry;
- Creation of a unified information space of the enterprise;
- Use of information entered at one stage of the technological process at all subsequent stages;
- Work both in a local computer network and with remote access;
- No need to purchase a database server license;
- The possibility of increasing the number of jobs without additional capital investments;
- Reducing the impact of the human factor, eliminating cases of theft and fraud;
- Elimination of errors, inaccuracies of manual journal accounting.
Composition of the SAKURA-V system
The automated grain accounting system at the elevator includes the following automated workstations (APM):
- Sighting PTL;
- Autoweighing;
- Railway Weighing;
- Grain PTL;
- Flour Milling PTL;
- Central Laboratory;
- Silage Board;
- Quantitative-Qualitative Accounting;
- Accounting;
- Production and Dispatching Department;
- Other APMs, depending on the needs of the customer. They closely interact with each other, exchanging information.
Presentation of the SAKURA-V system in ppts format
To view the presentation, you must have Microsoft PowerPoint on your computer.
Implementation of the SAKURA-V system
- Illichivsk Grain Terminal JSC, Chornomorsk;
- Nika-Tera Marine Specialized Port JSC, Mykolaiv;
- PJSC DPKZU "Khlib Ukrayiny" Mykolaiv Port Elevator;
- Agrostroy LLC, Poltava;
- Eximgrain LLC, Mykolaiv;
- Lature Zernoprom LLC, Lysychansk;
- Ukrtransagro LLC, Mariupol.