Multi-cloud platform of the Internet of Things "SAKURA-IIoT"

SAKURA-V: "Sighting PTL" APM

Sighting PTL is the initial stage of automated grain accounting at the plant.

When the grain arrives by road or rail transport, a sample is taken for express analysis to determine preliminary grain quality indicators. Based on the quality data obtained after the express analysis and data on the placement of grain on the elevator from the silage board, the unloading route is formed. Grain PTL carries out a full technical analysis of the medium-variable sample grain formed by Sighting PTL.


The automated workplace "Sighting Production and Technological Laboratory" performs the functions of accounting for preliminary indicators of the quality of grain entering the elevator, assigning the unloading route, processing the grain return act, as well as forming average daily samples.


The main functions of the "Sighting PTL" APM

  • Registration of motor vehicles with grain that arrived at the plant for unloading;
  • Accounting of previous quality indicators of incoming grain;
  • Definition of class (group) of grain;
  • Selection of grain unloading route;
  • Formation of an identifier;
  • Keeping a log of vehicle sightings;
  • Formation of average daily samples;
  • Keeping a journal of registration of average daily samples;
  • Forming an order for unloading;
  • Print order for unloading.


Scheme of formation of the unloading route


Working screen of the "Sighting PTL" APM

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