Multi-cloud platform of the Internet of Things "SAKURA-IIoT"

SAKURA-V: "Production and Dispatching Department" APM

The automated workplace "Production and Dispatching Department" performs the functions of controlling the arrival of grain by road and rail transport, the shipment of finished products (flour and compound feed) by road and rail transport, issuing orders for the shipment of finished products and creating reporting forms for the processes of receiving grain and shipping finished products.


The main functions of the "Production and Dispatching Department"

  • Keeping a journal of grain receipt by road transport;
  • Keeping a log of grain receipt by rail transport;
  • Keeping a journal of flour shipments by road transport;
  • Keeping a journal of flour shipment by rail transport;
  • Formation of form No. 14-MBK (grain);
  • Formation of form No. 14-MBK (raw materials and finished products);
  • Formation of orders for the shipment of grain and finished products;
  • Keeping a log of registration of shipment orders.
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