SAKURA-APM: "Elevator control" module
Map page
The main functions of the page:
- Display of an interactive map of the geographical location of the holding's enterprises;
- Display of the summary schedule of the current energy efficiency of the holding's enterprises;
- Formation of a consolidated table of current costs of the main energy carriers of the holding's enterprises.
The most relevant parameter, which is proposed to be displayed on the graphs, is energy efficiency - the amount of energy spent on moving and drying a ton of product. This graph provides an opportunity to compare the energy efficiency of enterprises as a whole and the energy efficiency of a specific enterprise and different time intervals.
Mnemonic diagram page
The main functions of the page:
- Display of production mnemonic diagrams of the holding's enterprises;
- Display of the summary schedule of the current energy efficiency of the holding's enterprises;
- Formation of a consolidated table of current costs of the main energy carriers of the holding's enterprises.
The page also displays interactive graphs of energy efficiency, which provide an opportunity to select and sort the sources of information and data to be displayed and analyzed.
Summary Data Page
The main functions of the page:
- Display of the summary schedule of energy efficiency of the holding's enterprises;
- Formation of a consolidated table of current costs of the main energy carriers of the holding's enterprises;
- Display of the consolidated table of technological operations at the holding's enterprises.
Technology page
The main functions of the page:
- Display of an interactive mnemonic diagram of the technological process of the selected enterprise of the holding with the following settings.
Silo Board Page
The main functions of the page:
- Accounting for movement of grain along the elevator;
- Keeping a grain placement scheme at the elevator with an indication of quality indicators;
- Keeping quantitative records of grain at the elevator;
- Keeping a log of technological operations and a log of measurements.
"Silo board" forms and automatically fills in the table of grain placement in the silos of the elevator with the indication of quantitative and qualitative indicators.
The data in the table comes automatically from the System of quantitative-qualitative accounting of grain and grain products SAKURA or similar. In the absence of a System of quantitative and qualitative accounting of grain and grain products, data is entered manually by the operator.