Thermometry systems of warehouses

Correct storage of agricultural products in warehouses is the basis and mandatory condition for maintaining its quality during long-term storage. As a result of violation of storage conditions, farms suffer huge losses. Therefore, when placing agricultural products for long-term storage, entrepreneurs increasingly use means of mechanization and automation of transportation and loading of products into storage, management of microclimate parameters and protection of products from spoilage, sorting and unloading of products, quality control and accounting of the quantity of products during loading and storage.
The main parameters of the microclimate in the warehouses are the temperature and humidity of the air, the concentration of gases in the storage mass of the product. Processes of automatic temperature control in vegetable storages are the most complex. First, when a large mass of vegetables is stored in warehouses not equipped with automatic control systems, at positive temperatures occurs rotting of product, which quickly spreads to nearby vegetables. Secondly, they usually try to store vegetables at the minimum acceptable temperatures, and in severe frosts, products sometimes freeze in the peripheral layers. Thirdly, in order to visually control the preservation of products, they are covered with a layer of small thickness and leave space for the passage of service staff, which leads to a relatively small use of the storage volume. As a result, when storing vegetables in non-automated vegetable storage facilities, the useful volume of the facilities is 30-40% of the total volume, and the spoilage of products reaches 30% or more.
According to the technology of storing products, it is necessary to control the temperature in order to prevent deterioration of quality and loss due to decay. The technologist, knowing the initial temperature values at various control points during storage, analyzes its changes over time and, in case of exceeding the permissible value, carries out technological operations for artificial cooling with the help of active ventilation. In order to timely detect the emergence of foci with elevated temperature, means for its control are used, they must have high sensitivity and a small measurement error.
The system of automatic microclimate control in vegetable storages is the best option for vegetable storages equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation.
The system is designed to control and maintain the specified parameters of the product storage environment in the vegetable storage. The system provides automatic measurement, fixation, and memorization of the values of temperature, humidity, and gas content in the controlled sections.
For each storage, on the basis of proven typical solutions, we design an individual system of control and maintenance of environment parameters in accordance with the specific requirements and needs of the Customer.
A typical system provides:
- Work in the mode of automatic measurement of parameters with signaling of the exit of controlled parameters beyond the set limits;
- Display of parameters on the screen of a personal computer monitor in digital and graphic form;
- Tracking the dynamics of changes in temperature, humidity, gas concentration;
- Management of ventilation, air conditioning, cooling equipment;
- Data archiving;
- Transmission of SMS messages about the status of controlled parameters and equipment in separate sectors of the storage using GSM / GPRS communication and the Internet.
Example of vegetable storage warehouse software: