Warranty service

We provide a guarantee for the entire range of services and equipment, both of our own production and of other manufacturers, which were supplied to the customer.
The term of warranty obligations for the supply of services and equipment is, as a rule, at least 1 year for the main equipment of our own production, and in some cases, this term may be extended.
The warranty for equipment supplied by third-party manufacturers is determined by the terms indicated by the manufacturers of this equipment in their passports.
During the warranty period, we undertake to provide repair work for equipment that has failed or has defects.
Equipment that has failed for any reason, with the exception of cases of intentional damage or violations of operating rules, as well as due to the action of irresistible natural factors, such as lightning, flooding, etc., is subject to warranty repair.
Warranty service is provided upon completion of all installation and commissioning works.
The available mobile service provides prompt response to customer requests.