SAKURA-V: "Weighing" APM
Every car or railway wagon with grain arriving at the plant must pass the road or railway Weighing station. The Weighing keeps track of the grain received at the enterprise. Weighing results are recorded in the weight log.
The Weighing interacts closely with the "Accounting" and "Silage board" АРМ, and all information about the accepted weight is transferred to them. "Weighing" provides Accounting with all forms of reporting that were made over a certain period of time. The "Silage board" receives the weight of the grain that has entered the elevator.
For the release of products from the plant, it is necessary to have a consignment note and a certificate of product quality.
An arriving car or railway car for loading finished products must pass the Weighing Station (road, railway). In the flour mill VTL, the quality of the shipped products is determined.
On the basis of the data received from the weighing machine, about the weight being shipped, data about the quality of the products, received from the Flour Milling PTL , a consignment note and a certificate of product quality are drawn up.
Automated workplace "Weighing" are designed for registration of raw materials arriving at the enterprise by road and rail transport and keeping records of products shipped from the enterprise.
The main functions of the "Weighing" APM
- Accounting for the weight of accepted raw materials and released products;
- Receiving data from the controller of electronic scales;
- Formation of goods and transport invoices upon shipment;
- Issuance of quality certificates upon shipment;
- Keeping weight logs and forming a summary of grain receipts by suppliers, owners, cultures.