SAKURA-APM: "Energy control" module
"Energy efficiency" page
The main functions of the page:
- Formation of detailed schedules of the main energy consumption parameters of the selected enterprise of the holding
- Display of a detailed table of technological operations at the holding's enterprises
"Routes" page
The main functions of the page:
- Display of a detailed table of routes at the holding's enterprises
"Equipment" page
The main functions of the page:
- Formation of detailed graphs of energy consumption parameters of the selected equipment
In the last image, taken from a real working elevator, it can be seen that when the 70 kW conveyor was switched on for the second time, it worked without load without load for half of the cycle!
It is moments like these, when the staff does not have time to react in time to a change in work patterns, that "cleans" the SAKURA-T system and thereby really saves money.
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