The automated workplace of "Grain PTL" performs the functions of accounting for grain quality indicators during its reception and shipment by road or rail transport, release for processing, internal movements on the elevator, drying, counterfeiting, refreshment and intra-plant movements, formation of milling batches and calculation of preliminary product yields according to them, as well as accounting for quality indicators of grain waste generated during operations with grain at the elevator.
Main functions of "Grain PTL" APM
- Accounting for grain quality indicators (f. 47, 49) and shipment (f. 42, 47);
- Formation of a grain placement plan;
- Accounting of the quality indicators that enter the grain elevator;
- Determination of grain moisture;
- Keeping a humidity registration log (f. 51);
- Keeping a journal of registration of laboratory analyzes on receiving grain at the elevator;
- Accounting of grain quality indicators when sending grain to the mill;
- Accounting of grain quality indicators during grain leave on combine harvesters;
- Accounting for quality indicators of grain and grain waste shipped from the elevator;
- Printing of the journal of registration of laboratory analyzes by consumption;
- Accounting of grain quality indicators during internal movements;
- Formation of the grain transfer register;
- Accounting for quality indicators in grain adulteration;
- Formation of an act of part-time grain cultivation;
- Formation of the register of part-time grain cultivation;
- Accounting for quality indicators during grain refreshment;
- Formation of the register of grain refreshment;
- Accounting for quality indicators during grain drying;
- Formation of the act of drying grain;
- Formation of the grain drying register;
- Accounting for quality indicators during active grain ventilation;
- Formation of the register of active grain ventilation;
- Formation of a report on the presence of grain at the elevator;
- Keeping quantitative and qualitative records of grain at the elevator (f. 36);
- Formation of an order for unloading;
- Print order for unloading;
- Calculation of recipes for grinding mixtures;
- Calculation of forecast data on grain processing;
- Formation of a summary of grain receipts;
- Formation of a summary of grain intake in the balance scale;
- Formation of a grain storage monitoring log;
- Maintaining a directory of cultures.
Scheme for calculating the weighted average quality of grain in elevator silos
Working screen of "Grain PTL" APM
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