We finished work on the creation of the project (pre-sale version) SAKURA-APM.

SAKURA-APM is the workplace of the elevator manager, which provides an opportunity to assess the state of affairs in the elevator and plan new production tasks in a matter of minutes.
SAKURA-APM provides full digitalization of the enterprise.
SAKURA-APM combines disparate systems of enterprises (ACS TP, accounting, logistics, etc.) into a single information space. If necessary, the hardware and software module of energy control is deployed, which ensures control of energy consumption and use of resources at key points of technological processes. In this way, the customer receives a single information system that provides a significant increase in the energy efficiency of production and the overall operational efficiency of the enterprise. SAKURA-APM is based on the most modern IT and OT technologies of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) - the Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, shared databases.